Contact Us - H2H Haiti

Bank Account Information:
Owner: H2H Help to Haiti Deutschland
Bank:    Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN:    DE71 2005 0550 1192 1058 62
100% of your donations are used for our projects at Titanyen, Haiti
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Contact Us

Contact Form and info
Responsible: H2H Help to Haiti Deutschland e.V.
This homepage contains as service links to other informative webpages of external third parties, whose content we can not influence. The responsibility of the content of these linked pages is always with the respective provider.
Diese Homepage enthält als Service für die Besucher Links zu informativen, themenbezogenen externen Webseiten Dritter, deren Inhalt nicht beeinflusst werden kann. Verantwortlich für die verlinkten Seiten ist stets der jeweilige Anbieter oder Betreiber.
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100% of your donations are used for our projects in Titanyen, Haiti developed with our community there.
Our team members all work as volunteers and cover personally any operational and/or administrative work and costs.
© Copyright All rights reserved.
Contact Form
Bank Account Information:
Owner: H2H Help to Haiti Deutschland
Bank:    Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN:    DE71 2005 0550 1192 1058 62
Bank Account Information:
Owner: H2H Help to Haiti Deutschland
Bank:    Hamburger Sparkasse
IBAN:    DE71 2005 0550 1192 1058 62
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